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Dynamically Utilizing Team Human Capital Resources: Evidence from a Longitudinal Quasi-Experiment
来源: | 发布时间:2024-01-03 | 点击:


    主讲嘉宾:董韫韬 副教授 北京大学






董韫韬,北京大学光华管理学院副教授、博士生导师,美国马里兰大学组织行为与人力资源管理博士,曾任美国康涅狄格大学助理教授,主要从事组织行为与人力资源管理领域的教学与研究。董韫韬教授目前担任MOR资深编辑和中国管理研究国际学会大陆区代表。董韫韬的研究通过跨层次视角探讨领导与授权、创新、员工情绪和韧性,以及企业数字化和平台经济中的相关组织行为现象。研究发表在Academy of Management Journal,Journal of Applied Psychology,Journal of Organizational Behavior,Management and Organization Management,Harvard Business Review等期刊,并获得ESI高引。曾获得McBride Best Paper Award、AOM OB Division Most Innovative Student Paper Award,MOR最佳主编,北京市第一届教学创新大赛一等奖等奖项。教授课程包括组织行为学、组织与管理理论,人力资源管理,研究方法,创新与创业等。


We propose an integrative model that explores how teams can utilize their human capital resources (HCR) for enhanced performance in dynamic conditions. This paper adopts two forms of dynamism. First, we investigate the significance of achieving situational relevance of members' HCR to drive team performance trajectories. Second, we layer on considerations of how staffing change events impact these performance trajectories. We propose that an initial performance decline can be followed by a robust recovery, ultimately leading to stronger performance trajectories after the change. This is contingent upon post-change situational relevance and the degree of similarity between HCR of the replaced and departing team members. Findings from a longitudinal quasi-experiment of 74 teams engaged in a business simulation supported our hypotheses. These findings highlight the potential blessing in disguise of staffing changes when teams find similar replacements or adapt their processes to utilize their new HCR portfolio for improved performance.




