主讲嘉宾:Michael Christofi 教授
Michael Christofi,维尔纽斯大学正教授,主要研究方向为创新、营销与创业、家族企业界面、系统评价方法。他的研究成果发表在Journal of Product Innovation Management,British Journal of Management,Journal of World Business,Human Resource Management Review,Journal of Business Research等众多国际一流期刊。他是Information Technology & People,International Marketing Review等期刊的主编,同时是Journal of Business Ethics,British Journal of Management,European Journal of Marketing,Journal of Business Research,Technological Forecasting & Social Change,International Marketing Review等期刊的专题主编或编委会成员。他还擅长在管理、创新和营销领域进行系统的文献综述,在著名学术期刊上发表了多篇系统综述文章,并客座编辑了多个与管理和创新研究领域相关的系统综述专刊。
This talk focuses on the intricacies of publishing systematic literature reviews (SLRs) in top-tier business journals, which have become vital tools for advancing scholarly knowledge in the business field. Systematic literature reviews are increasingly recognized for their ability to consolidate research, provide comprehensive insights, and identify future directions for study. Publishing these reviews in premier outlets, however, requires a rigorous approach and a deep understanding of the publication process. The session will guide attendees through the key steps involved in developing and publishing high-quality SLRs that align with the standards of elite business journals. The talk will provide tips and recommendations when it comes to develop and submit such manuscripts for publication in premier business journals, by analyzing what editors and reviewers see when it comes to review such papers. In addition, the talk will cover the strategic aspects of getting SLRs published. This includes selecting appropriate journals, adhering to specific submission guidelines, and understanding the peer-review process in premier outlets. Practical advice on handling common challenges, such as managing reviewer feedback, addressing potential criticisms, and revising submissions effectively, will be shared. Finally, the speaker will also address the rising importance of systematic reviews in business disciplines, highlighting how they not only contribute to academic knowledge but also provide valuable insights for practitioners and policymakers.